
Fix error when install ta-lib:

ta-lib is a popular open-source to calculatte technical analysis indicators in finace anaylysis. But when you install The following error occurs The reason is that ta-lib python wrapper depending on the ta-lib c++ library. You need manually install. So how to install it? Some initial comparison: ta-lib-python vs ta ta ta is easy to install.…

Competitive intelligence in e-commerce: all about product pricing and assortment

In the current e-commerce market, competitio is brutal, particularly in southeast asia market, where the resident income is very low. Low price is at the top priority in online shopping. As more and more players join the battle, as the online platform operator, it is critical to monitor the product price comparing with the competitor’s…

Role-play AI agent

AI agent is amazing, promising, and useful in many business scenaria. With the increasing capability of large language model such as ChatGPT-4 and opensource models such as Llama3, it beccomes easy to develop LLM based agent to help the human to do tedious work. For example, it can replace coacher with AI agent to train…

Collection of prompt engineering

Prompty engineering is a critical part in developing AI agent. To make AI function as a particular role, e.g. insuarance salesman, insurance buyer, math teach, ….., it is necessary to write the task-specifc promt. [Github] collection of prompt examples to be used with the ChatGPT model. [Github] a curated list of the best system prompts…

Resource collection of finance LLM

Finance knowledge graph [Github] Financial Knowledge Graphs: small scale of financial knowledge graph, download stock data, visualize graph [Github] Dynamic Knowledge Graph with Large Language Models for Global Finance Large language model [Github] AI4Finance Foundation, code, demo. [Huggingface] FinGPT Forecaster, stock analysis give company ticker name [Github] CFGPT: Chinese Financial Assistant with Large Language Model…

MLOps roadmap 2024

The original content is in MLOps roadmap 2024, a wonderful article. I summarize the key points in the post for my reference. ID Description Resources 1 Programming- Python & IDE- Bash & command line editors – IDE – visual studio code- VIM 2 Containerization and Kubernetes – Docker- Kubernetes 3 Machine learning fundamentals a lot…

sympy: a python package for symbolic computation

Do you still remember how to calculate difference, gradient, limit, … in mathematic? if you forget, never mind. Here is a python package to help you. What you need: know python programming and define your functions, and then call package function to do your task. Symbolic computation is important component in PyTorch and Tensorflow. The…

2024 salary guide (DE, DS,AI) in Singaore

2024 salary guide (thanks recruiter firm sharing) in Singapore. In the report, it predicts demand in AI is increasing. Similarly, in US market, the stocks of AI relevant companies rocket to the sky. At the same time, layoff in big tech such as Google, Microsot, Amazon is on-going. But as a job junter, my personal…

Singapore AI government resources

The post is credited to LinkedIn, shared here as a record. 1. AI Verify Framework🔗 2. National AI Strategy🔗 3. Model Governance Framework for Generative AI🔗 4. Generative AI Sandbox🔗 5. Advisory Guidelines on Use of Personal Data in AI Recommendation and Decision Systems🔗 6. Principles to Promote Fairness, Ethics, Accountability and Transparency (FEAT)…

How to draw animation graph using

I often read the posts shared in LinkedIn, which contain the amazing animation graph. So I am thinking how do I also draw it? Previously, I shared a post,, a beautiful tool to draw graph and flow . After googling, it is found have the functio, which let us set the propertu of arrow…


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